Saturday, February 14, 2015

Riverside Oranges // Cocktail Recipe

Hello. I visited a local orange farm about a week ago and totally fell in love with the fresh citrus.
One of the coolest products they have are a variety of Navel oranges named Cara Cara.
Not to be mistaken for a blood orange, these are colored with pinker shade of red, similar to a ruby red grapefruit.

Anyways, I used these as a fresh ingredient in making a refreshing citrus cocktail as the days begin to get hotter.

Beautiful pink hue.

Ingredients used for the cocktail included Cara Cara Navel Orange juice as well as Absolut Ruby Red, a grapefruit infused vodka.

Yum! Mix these two to your preference, I used 6oz of juice to 2oz of vodka, shaken and strained into glasses with crushed ice for these two servings.

If you ever get the opportunity to try some of these special oranges you definitely should not pass it up!

credit to Liz at postcardsfromliz for taking the pictures!

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